글로벌 안보협력전공 소개
This course explores the institutional structures, political processes, and impact of international organizations within the larger context of world politics. International organizations, both governmental and nongovernmental, play an increasingly prominent role in efforts to resolve a wide range of global problems. While the course will cover the traditional problems - international security, the global distribution of wealth, and threats to social welfare - particular attention will be given to international ecological problems. Because of its scope and importance in these areas, the activities and influence of the United Nations System and INGO activities are given special emphasis in the course.
국제관계대학원 교수진 소개
이름 | 전화번호 | 위치 | 이메일 | 홈페이지 |
최동주 | 02-6315-3111 | 국제4관 106호 | djchoi@sm.ac.kr | |
박은진 | 02-2077-7765 | 미대 207호 | ejpark@sm.ac.kr | |
이민룡 | 02-2077-7695 | 음대 313호 | minyong33@hanmail.net | |
김진무 | jmkim0778@kida.re.kr | |||
이한희 | 국제4관 107호 | hanhee7@sookmyung.ac.kr |
국제관계대학원 조교사무실 소개
사무실 | 전화번호 | 이메일 | 위치 |
국제관계대학원(통합) | 02-6325-3121/3122 | gsis@sookmyung.ac.kr | 수련교수회관 205호 |
국제관계대학원 공통과목
학수번호 | 교과목명 | 구분 | 학점 | 영문교과목명 | 교과목해설 |
21022920 | 국제관계론 | 공통필수 | 3 | IR Theory | This course provides an overview of the field of International relations. Students will explore the foundational assumptions employed within IR theory, the major theoretical perspective, and prominent issue areas. Finally, students will be called upon to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical foreign policy situations. |
21102207 | 공공외교론 | 공통필수 | 3 | Public Diplimacy | The course is intended to provide the necessary theoretical foundations for public relations research.The course is designes to introduce the theories that dominate the field of public relations scholarship. The course examines the evolution of public relations theories, research perspectives, its critiques, ongoing research issues, current status in public relations. |
21024189 | 관련기관인턴십 | 인턴십 트랙 졸업필수 | 3 | INTERNSHIP ON RELATED ORGANIZATION | This class is to help students develop ideas on how to write academic papaers or carry out practical field interships. |
21102209 | 국제학조사방법론 | 논문트랙 졸업필수 | 3 | RESEARCH METHOD FOR INTERNATONAL STUDIES | This course covers the following 3 important issues; honing a research question, performing a literature reviews and selecting an appropriate methodology. The coures enables students to assess the state of a scholarly literature, identify the interesting research question, formulate strategies for answering them, acquire the methodological tolls with which to conduct the research, and understand how to write up the results. |
21023311 | 논문연구 | 논문트랙 졸업필수 | 3 | THESIS STUDY | - |
21023312 | 논문지도 | 논문트랙 졸업필수 | 3 | DIRECTED RESEARCH | - |
21024188 | 특정주제개별지도 | 논문트랙 졸업필수 | 3 | INDEPENDENT STUDY | This course is designed to student who want independent study in special subject. 1) Internship: working in company which is related to students major to build field experience. 2) Independent study: by examining deepen subject and making a plan, research and analyzing subject. |
글로벌 안보협력전공 전공과목
학수번호 | 교과목명 | 구분 | 학점 | 영문교과목명 | 교과목해설 |
21022954 | 국제기구론 | 전공필수 | 3 | HUMAN SECURITY & INGOs | This course will involve a careful examination of intergovernmental organizations(IGO, or often calld interntional organizations). This course will analyze both practical and theoretical foundations of the creation of the key IGOs and what specific roles the IGOs are playing in the globalized world. |
21060984 | 국가정보및국가안보 | 전공선택 | 3 | NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY | This course is designed to introduce students to the role that intelligence plays in contemporary national security.The course will explore the nature of contemporary threats by focusing on what constitutes a threat in the first place and by discussing whether today's threats are different and more challenging than those of the past |
21024200 | 국제개발원조론-이론과실제 | 전공선택 | 3 | OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE(ODA) | This course is designed to teach student why and how development assistance has been provided to devoloping countires by international organizations and major donor countries. This course will include the following topics: definations, size, and quality of ODA, Korean ODA, and the role of international organizatgion. |
21024286 | 국제경영환경 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT | This course will diliver the basic concept of the global market and how to formulate various strategies in order to operate businesses therein. As a facilitator to catalzse the understandings of studetns real-world care examples will be incoporated. |
21060981 | 국제경제의이해 | 전공선택 | 3 | UNDERSTANDING INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM | This course is designed to review its theoretical background in terms of interaction between international politics and economics, beyond a single window focusing only power politics or wealth economics. This course has a goal to promote students' capability to understand and explain current IPE issues on the basis of theories. |
21023937 |
국제기구진출과국제법 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTERNATIONAL LAW AND CAREERS IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS | This course deals with the basi elements of international law, UnitedNations, international treaty and settlement of international disputes and futhermore aims to examine the Qualifications for careers in international organizations. |
21023254 | 국제범죄론 | 전공선택 | 3 | TRANSNATIONAL CRIME | This course examines legal and institutional responses to and international cooperation against transnational crime, particularly terrorism, human and drug trafficking. |
21060977 | 국제법 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTERNATIONAL LAW | International law today is more complex and more interesting than at any time in history. Over the course of the semester we will examine: the basic principles of the international legal system and the major forms of international law: treaty and custom, as well as "soft law" the role and influence of international organizations and nonstate actors. |
21101143 | 국제분쟁론 | 전공선택 | 3 | Study of International Dispute | This course examines the theory and practice of analyzing global conflict. We will discuss the key conceptual tools that will help analzyse the global conflicts and understand the nature of conflict from the past to post-cold war. |
21102473 | 국제위기와협상 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTERNATIONAL CRISIS AND NEGOTIATION | The purpose of this course is to introduce that international crises provide about the patterns, stractegies and risks involved in decision-making precess. We will explore the theoretical background of bargaining and discover the dynamics of bargaining precess in the interntional crisis situations. |
21101556 | 국제정치경제의이해 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND ECONOMY | his course is an introduction to theories and issues in international political economy. Our emphasis will be on understanding bargaining between rich and poor countries. In particular, we will examine the political and economic conditions conducive to the development of cooperative international economic behavior among countries. |
21022959 | 국제정치특강 | 전공선택 | 3 | SPECIAL LECTURES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS | This seminar will provide students to discuss current international relations issues. |
21102474 | 글로벌안보이슈특강 | 전공선택 | 3 | GLOBAL SECURITY ISSUE SPECIAL LECTURE | This seminar will provide students to chance to meet people in real field and discuss current security issues. |
21023000 | 난민과국제제기구 | 전공선택 | 3 | GLOBAL REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION | This course is to aim to become knowledgeable of Non-Governmental Organizaions with emphasis on the roles these organizations play in the developing countries. |
21102208 | 동북아국제정치 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTERNATIONAL POLITICS IN NORTHEAST ASIAN | This course focuses on the study of the Asia-Pacific region, principally Northeast and Southeast Asian countries, paying particular attention to the development of their political systems, strategies of economic growth, the impact of changes in the role of population structure, women, ethnicity and education on these societies, and their ability to deal with issues of foreign powers, regional cooperation, and crises. |
21060982 | 베트남의이해 | 전공선택 | 3 | UNDERSTANDING OF VIETNAM | There are a lot of similarities between Vietnam and Korean cultures as both countries have been influenced by China. This course focuses onthe historical relationship between Vietnam and China and on how Vietnam has adopted Chinese culture. |
21060979 | 북한의이해 | 전공선택 | 3 | UNDERSTANDING NORTH KOREAN ISSUES | This course examines North Korean politics, society, and culture by examining major historical events and developments since the country’s formation in 1948. It provides the historical circumstances in which North Korea came to exist, and explores how it has developed relationships with the rest of the world. Readings cover North Korea’s political history, social history, foreign policies, cultural policies, education, and gender relations; South Korea and the US’s policies on North Korea; and issues of human rights and refugees. |
21023935 | 아프리카의이해 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTRODUCE TO AFRICA | n this course, studenrs will acquire an understanding of the currentpolitical, economic and social sitiation of Africa, with emphasis on the countries below the Sahara Desert. A multidimensional approach will be taken based on the assumption that geography, religion, history, literature and other disciplines are necessary for a full understanding of the African political economy. |
21022956 | 외교협상론 | 전공선택 | 3 | THEORY AND PRATICE IN DIPLOMACY AND NEGOTIATION | This course studies a few historical diplomatic negotiations, explores the factors that influenced the negotiation process and the negotiation theories to see if and how these theories fit in practice. |
21023936 | 유럽통합과대외관계 | 전공선택 | 3 | THE EXTERNAL RELATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION | This course aims at providing an understanding of the historical and geopolitical context within which the European Union operates in the world and the significance of EU's evolving external identity. |
21102206 | 유엔과PKO | 전공선택 | 3 | UN & PKO | The purpose of this course is to understand the basic knowledge of the Unitied Nations including history, organization and mission. To study on ROK's PKO(Peace Keeping Operations) participations and it's development by studying and understanding UN PKO including the theory and practice. |
21024199 | 인구이동과국제사회 | 전공선택 | 3 | MIGRATION AND GLOBALIZATION | The course pays attention to the relationship between globalization and inequality, the fate of cultural diversity (multiculturalism and pluralism) in a globalized world and to issues affecting developing countries and immigrant communities in developed countries. |
21060983 | 인도의정치와문화 | 전공선택 | 3 | POLITICS AND CULTURE OF INDIA | India is a diverse Society in its religion, race, class, and culture. and India's rapid economic growth in 21th century has attracted great attention from the world. Through this class students will explore politics and culture of India for understanding of Indian Society |
21023461 | 저개발국론 | 전공선택 | 3 | AFFAIRS IN DEVELOPING AREAS | This course will introduce to the present conditions of the political economies of the Third and Fourth Worlds. Students will become familiar with the major explanations of why these societies are undeveloped, underdeveloped, or developing. Specific attention will be paid to gender issudes, environmental problems, and health. |
21023722 | 중국과동아시아 | 전공선택 | 3 | CHINA AND EAST ASIA | This course introduces students to the politics and political systems of leading countries in East Asia—by all accounts the most economically significant region in the world. We cover China in the most depth, with shorter units on east Asia. |
21102205 | 지속가능성과기후변화 | 전공선택 | 3 | SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE | Sustainable development is a goal for the global community to harmonizeeconomy, environment and poverty reduction. Climate change is one of theimminent challenges to be handled by the present generation in a globalscale. The class discusses the issues and the global effort to mitigateclimate change in the context of sustatinability and examines greeneconomy |
21024299 | 지적재산과국제관계 | 전공선택 | 3 | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS | This course will deal with topics on the role of the World Interllectual Property Organization(WIPO) and discuss tricky issues related intellectual property rights from the perspective of the World Trade Organization(WTO). |
21024021 | 한반도와국제정치 | 전공선택 | 3 | KOREAN PENINSULA AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS | This course is to introduce the relationship between Northeastern countries and to understand poltical sytem and current issues of North Korea. Finally students will analze Foreign policy to North Korea in ROK. |
21024194 | 현대국제관계특강 | 전공선택 | 3 | SPECIAL LECTURE ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS | This course is to aim to investigate the arms control studies. Arms control is a way to resolve millitary security dilemma which is emanated from too much arms to preserve national security. In this subject, we will concentrate upon conceptual framework, main issue areas, and international governance of arms control studies. |
21101862 | 현재국제정치비평세미나 | 전공선택 | 3 | CRITICAL VIEW ON MODERN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS | This course provides understanding international politics by exploring main causal background of international crises, being familiar with major perspectives on international affairs, and learning and practicing analysis methods of international crisis management. |
21023139 | 환경과국제정치 | 전공선택 | 3 | ECOLOGY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS | Being familiar with the grounding forces of world politics- Becoming a research assistant in global issue areas- Learning ways to join organization |